CBSE Cluster -Skating tournament report

The UAE CBSE Skating Cluster Event held at Springdale School Dubai was a significant gathering of young skating enthusiasts from CBSE-affiliated schools across the UAE. The event provided a platform for students to showcase their skills, learn from one another, and foster a sense of camaraderie among participants.


The event took place at the well-equipped skating rink of Springdale School, Dubai. The venue provided a conducive environment for the participants, offering a smooth and safe surface for skating activities. The school’s infrastructure ensured that the event ran smoothly, with ample space for spectators to cheer on the competitors.

Suggestion: To conduct  500m and 1000m should have different rink and venue because, the rink was good enough for conducting only 300 meter run, but not appropriate for 500m and 1000m.

Refreshment Facilities:

Adequate arrangements were made for refreshments, ensuring that participants had access to food and beverages throughout the event. This ensured that everyone could enjoy the event without any inconvenience.

Parents’ Behavior:

While the majority of parents exhibited excellent sportsmanship and support for their children, there were isolated incidents of misbehavior. It is crucial to remind parents of the importance of maintaining a respectful and positive atmosphere during such events. Coaches were pressurized by waiting parents to get their child a medal, without deserving one. This led to arguments and a waste of 25-30 minutes’ time.

Suggestion: The school administration may consider implementing measures to address and prevent such occurrences in the future. Only coaches of participating schools should be permitted to raise their concern in writing to the Jury of Appeal. Parents should not be allowed in the premises of the competition. If there is arrangement to sit far away from the competition, it will help to have a smoother event.

Coaches’ Involvement:

The school coaches played a vital role in preparing the students for the event. However, there were instances where untrained students were sent to participate, leading to several injuries. This issue is of utmost concern, as the safety of the students should always be the top priority.

Suggestion: Coaches ensure that all participants have received adequate training to compete safely and effectively.

Additionally, it was clearly mentioned in the circular that parents are not permitted for the event; however, if some parents were there, it could have been made clear to them to not interrupt the event with their objections. This led to delay in the event closing ceremony.

Incidents of Injuries:

Due to the participation of untrained students, a significant number of students suffered injuries during the event. This is an alarming situation that requires immediate attention. Participating schools should conduct a thorough review of the selection process for participants to ensure that only adequately trained students are allowed to compete in future events.

Suggestions for Improvement:

  1. Conduct comprehensive training sessions for coaches to ensure they are equipped to assess the readiness of students for competitive events.
  2. Implement a screening process for participating students to ensure they meet the required skill level and safety standards.
  3. Establish a clear communication channel between coaches, parents, and event organizers to address any concerns or issues promptly.
  4. It is better to have an official videographer for the event. This will help in addressing the objection.


The UAE CBSE Inter-school Skating Cluster Competition 2023, at Springdale School, Dubai was a commendable initiative that brought together young skaters for a day of healthy competition and camaraderie. However, the incidents of injuries due to untrained participants highlight the need for stricter selection criteria and improved oversight. With these suggested improvements, future events can be even more successful and enjoyable for all participants.

Would like to extend my special thanks to Principal of Springdale School, Dubai – Dr. Brian Gray for giving us opportunity to conduct the event successfully.  Ms. Indu (HOD, PE) and her PE team were very cooperative and supportive. Would like to thank you for their hospitality. We look forward to more such enriching experiences in the future for our budding skaters across all CBSE schools.


Sonam Singh

HOD | Physical Education  

GEMS United Indian School, Abu Dhabi

United Arab Emirates